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Home | Task Force | Faith Based Initiative | Youth Leadership Council | Contact Us

Jim Addison
Program Coordinator

Shana L. Brown
Program Assistant

The Faith Based Initiative of the African American HIV/AIDS Program was created to provide a channel for people to gain education and awareness about HIV/AIDS in a religious or spiritual setting.

Listed below are a number of ongoing projects were created to continue the support of these efforts.

The Black Church week of Prayer for the healing of AIDS is modeled after the successful, innovative Harlem Week of Prayer of AIDS which was established in 1989 by the Balm of Gilead in New York City. This week of Prayer was designed as a bold act of community outreach to Harlem's religious leaders to address the community's devastation by HIV/AIDS.

*** click the image above for more information***

The purpose of this training is to certify a pool of Faith Leaders who would be knowledgeable and sensitive counselors, mentors and shepherds to those infected/affected by HIV/AIDS.

These trainings are held at churches in Milwaukee and surounding areas. To partcipate or find out how you church can hold a training session, please contact:

Jim Addison, Coordinator
African American HIV/AIDS Program
Black Health Coalition of WI
(414)933-0064 (414)933-0084 (fax)

HIV Counseling and Testing Sites

Greater Philadelphia COGIC
2947 N MLK Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53212
Every other Thursday
10 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

St. James United Methodist
3438 N 24th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53206
(414) 445-1860
Fridays 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

New Life Presbyterian Church
3276 N Palmer
Milwaukee, WI 53212
(414) 264-1290
Wednesdays 3 p.m.-5 p.m.